Friday, March 2, 2012

SA: Ban on eating cats and dogs racist, says MP

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Ban on eating cats and dogs racist, says MP

A South Australian independent MP says he will oppose a bill banning the eating of
dogs and cats in the state, as it plays on racist fears.

Under legislation proposed by the state government, anyone caught eating a cat or a
dog would be fined $1,250.

But independent MP KRIS HANNA says there's no legitimate reason to outlaw such practices.

He says apart from the principles underlying vegetarianism, there doesn't appear to
be any justification for the bill.

Mr HANNA says the bill is racist, as it plays upon unfounded fears about people who
have different eating habits to most Australians.

However, he says the bill will become law regardless of his views, as it has the support
of the Liberal opposition.

AAP RTV scl/rcg


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