Monday, February 27, 2012

Qld: 'Stop blaming patients Beattie' - Australian Doctors' Fund

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: 'Stop blaming patients Beattie' - Australian Doctors' Fund

A doctors group says Queensland Premier PETER BEATTIE should stop blaming patients
for the state's ailing health system.

Australian Doctors' Fund chairman BRUCE SHEPHERD has accused Mr BEATTIE of sounding
like a reformed eater for attributing obesity, smoking and ageing to the system's woes.

Mr BEATTIE says no matter how much money the government throws at surgical waiting
lists, queues will not shorten unless an increasingly obese and unhealthy nation rethinks
its approach to health.

But Dr SHEPHERD says the blame for the state's hospital system shortfalls rests squarely
on the government's shoulders.

He says the government has increased bureaucracy and treats doctors like the enemy.

Dr SHEPHERD says Mr BEATTIE should to support Queensland's doctors, overhaul the system,
remove the culture of fear and stop telling people how to live.

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